Macquarie University

  • 网络麦考瑞大学;麦格理大学;澳洲
Macquarie UniversityMacquarie University
  1. I understand that Macquarie University International Office provides support for international students , such as study skills and progression monitoring .


  2. Macquarie University is now offering Merit scholarship to international applicants who demonstrated academic excellence of previous study .


  3. The school is also a partner school to nearby Macquarie University .


  4. There is a room of double rooms apartment located at Cottonwood Crescent , Macquarie University available .


  5. Yan Zhang , who settled in Sydney after studying at Macquarie University , orders a lunch of pork dumplings at the New Shanghai restaurant .


  6. The Alumni Awards for Distinguished Service , presented under three categories , recognise and honour the outstanding achievements of Macquarie University alumni in Australia and throughout the world .


  7. Yen Leng obtained both her Bachelor 's degree ( Business in Accounting ) from RMIT and Master 's degree ( Applied Finance ) from Macquarie University in Australia .


  8. Linguist Stephen Crain of Sydney 's Macquarie University tended to agree : " I 've always thought it would be beneficial to expose our children to more than one language ," he said .


  9. Simon Griffith of Macquarie University in Sydney , Australia , and his colleagues monitored the birds as they either chose their mates or were placed in a mating pair .


  10. Recent versions of the law restrict foreign ownership in some industries and ban it completely in others . Sean Turnell is an economist with Australia 's Macquarie University . He said the foreign investment law is now facing local , or push back .
